Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sparta vs. Athens

The comparison between Sparta and Athens is a story of two cultures with drastic difference in the ideologies, societies, forms of governance and the basic way of life. While both these city states in Greece were geographically located close together, they varied greatly in almost all other aspects of life, both with clashing views on various subjects. Their brief unity against the Persian invasions was greatly overshadowed by the constant competition between these cultures for the leadership of the Hellenic world.

These two prominent historic cultures of Ancient Greece have contributed greatly to the ideals of the modern society in their own distinct ways. While Athens was one of the leading cities of Ancient Greece in the first millennium, having been inhabited for 3000 years, with its cultural and philosophical achievements laying the foundations of a new western civilization. On the other hand, the militaristic Sparta, famous as a martial power, foe of the Persian Empire, and eventual conqueror of Athens, was formed after the Dorian migration from the north. While the dumb, militaristic and machismo culture of Sparta was totally war driven, Athens was home to some of the most extraordinary accomplishments of philosophy, art, and science in human history. Here is a look at the some of the distinct differences in this Athens vs Sparta comparison list.

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